The Scottish Clan – Who are your people?

There is no doubt that in the rugged environment like Scotland, with its unforgiving landscape,  our Scottish ancestors depended on each other. Kinship was vital and clans were formed.  The land they lived on was important, but far more valuable was the clan - to help nurture, sustain, and protect you and your immediate family.

In the Scottish highlands of yore, when a stranger met you, he didn’t ask what you and I would say today, “WHERE ARE YOU FROM”,  he’d ask: WHO ARE YOUR PEOPLE.

Family or clan meant more than location. Even today, at the Highland Games, we don’t visit 50 state tents, we visit 50 clan tents.

As recreational genealogist, we seek to find our roots. We hunt for the countries, towns, and villages our family came from. We want to walk the land they walked, see what they saw. But deep down, we are trying to find the PEOPLE of our past.  We want to uncover the stories of their struggles, sadness, happiness, their stories of love, and their hopes for the future.

We want the answers to – “who are our people”.    

Share your people’s story with us at:   

Check out this great list of Genealogy links

Here is an alphabetical list of Scottish names associated with Clan and family names: Clans list

NOTE: MUSP does not conduct genealogical research and does not guarantee the accuracy of the data found on our website. It is our hope and belief that the information provided may be a helpful aid for those doing their own research and due diligence in determining the accuracy and completeness of the data.

The information on this website comes from many sources, some accurate and some questionable, and is therefore only intended to be a guide toward further investigation. Our family research is a work in progress and we ask for your feedback, additions and corrections by emailing: